Assuming God is real, could he do or say anything to make you reject him? Usually in response to somebody pointing out the fact that God condones and commits actions that are seemingly immoral, the argument will eventually come around to "His ways are above ours, and he can do whatever he wants because he's God, we have no right to judge him."
So, Christians, assuming God is real, is there anything he could possibly do or say to make you come to the conclusion that God does not deserve to be worshiped? For most of you, I'm assuming the answer is going to be "No." (If your answer is yes, post it. I'm curious.) In that case, how do you know that you're not blindly following an evil deity?
If we're unable to judge God's actions as immoral, by extension we are also unable to judge his actions as moral. The only argument one can really make here without using a double standard is "Might makes right, and God is mightier than you." Obviously, this doesn't prove that God is a moral being. So how do you determine whether or not he's moral? If it's by his standard, how do you know he's not deceiving you and guiding you towards immorality?