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Why do we deserve to be under the curse of sin?

Postby Machiavelli » Tue Jan 02, 2018 7:29 pm

Why do we deserve to be under the curse of sin? If God is a just and fair God, and doesn't punish us for sins we didn't commit, then why do we deserve to be born into sin for what Adam and Eve did? Like, I know humans were cursed, but why would God curse someone who is born innocent and has no connection to the incident in the Garden of Eden? Why should they suffer under the oppresion of sin?

Re: Why do we deserve to be under the curse of sin?

Postby jimwalton » Sun Feb 04, 2018 8:41 am

You are not punished for Adam and Eve's sin, but for your own. According to the Bible, all of us have sinned. You are never punished for sins you didn't commit. God isn't unjust. You are only accountable for the sins you commit.

Think of it this way. Suppose we are all dogs. Many generations ago our ancestors ran away from their owners and became wild. Therefore all of their pups are wild. It doesn't mean they're evil, just that they didn't grow up in the Master's house. After generations of pups born, all the pups are wild and know nothing of the master. But the master still canvasses the woods, and anytime he comes upon a wild dog, he invites it back to the house to become tame, and under his care. Any dog that chooses to go back can become domesticated again, and any dog that chooses not will stay wild.

You became separated from the Master because of Adam and Eve, but you are not cursed for what they did. Even now you are obviously aware of the Christian God. He is inviting you back to His house and His family. He will forgive your years of wildness and take you to be His own. The choice is yours. If you choose against God's gracious invitation, you are not being punished for Adam & Eve's rebellion, but for your own refusal. It's up to you. And if you suffer for your choice, that was your doing.

You are not punished for Adam and Eve's sin, but for your own. According to the Bible, all of us have sinned. You are never punished for sins you didn't commit. God isn't unjust. You are only accountable for the sins you commit.

Or let's put it this way. Your parents left their native country (let's say, um, Belgium), renounced their citizenship, and went to, uh, Italy, and became citizens there. Now all of their children, just by the nature of the thing, are born as Italian citizens, through no action or decision of their own. But at any time they can leaven Italy and go back to Belgium. That's their decision to make. If they stay as Italians, that's up to them, and no one is to be blamed for that but them. Sure, the parents made a decision that affected the kids, but the kids make their own decisions and are accountable for the consequences of their own decisions.

So, Adam and Eve left God's country and decided to make their own way. Sure, it affected their children and descendants. But at any time any descendant can become a citizen, once again, of God's country. You aren't cursed for Adam & Eve's decision, but for your own.

Last bumped by Anonymous on Sun Feb 04, 2018 8:41 am.
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