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Why do Christians hate Satan?

Postby Star Guide » Thu Mar 07, 2019 1:43 pm

If Satan just punishes people who acted poorly while they were alive, then doesn’t that make satan a good guy? I mean, from a logical viewpoint only bad or evil people should hate him, because they’re the ones the bible says are punished by him.
Star Guide

Re: Why do Christians hate Satan?

Postby jimwalton » Fri Mar 22, 2019 2:46 pm

Christians hate Satan because he is dedicated to deceiving and misleading people about spiritual truth. In contrast to what you are thinking, Satan doesn't just punish people who acted poorly while they were alive. It sounds like you're thinking that Satan punishes people in hell. This is a misconception. Satan himself is being punished in hell (Rev. 20.10). He's not king there. Rather, he is what hell was created for (Mt. 25.41); hell was not created for people.

Therefore Satan is not "a good guy." Therefore your "logical" conclusion is off the mark. Satan is not punishing anyone in hell.

Last bumped by Anonymous on Fri Mar 22, 2019 2:46 pm.
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