by jimwalton » Wed Jan 01, 2020 5:01 pm
It doesn't really work like that. Making a rash statement in the heat of the moment doesn't seal your eternal fate. Our eternities are based on our commitments, our priorities and values, and spiritual orientation, and our nature. The Bible says that those who commit themselves to God to put his nature in us are the ones who go to heaven, and the ones who choose to remain in their sin nature do not. Your saying "I sell my soul to the Devil" is not a commitment or spiritual orientation, nor does it affect your spiritual nature.
You said you struggle with anxiety. Try to be at peace about this and let it go. You didn't sell your soul. But if you genuinely have these anxieties (which seem obvious, based on your post), then a wise course of action would be for you to seek God and pursue Him with all your heart. That's where you will find both help and healing.
Last bumped by Anonymous on Wed Jan 01, 2020 5:01 pm.