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How do you interpret Zechariah 13:1-6?

Postby Fiddy » Wed Feb 19, 2020 4:45 pm

I recently entered a dialogue with someone who said that verse 6 was a conversation between someone and God, and this someone was asking God where He got His wounds from.

I said this seemed to be false, and in regards to verse 6 (and the rest of the passage), I said it seemed to be about false prophets being ashamed and their parents attacking them and such.

I could see the obvious imagery connection of “wounded hands/arms” and “wounded in the house of my friends” with Christ, but said that the passage didn’t seem to be directly about that.

After some reflection and further into the conversation, I thought maybe God was dispersing the apostles/disciples from the land, along with the unclean spirit, and maybe they’re being persecuted and shamed because they are prophesying in Jesus’ name. And maybe they are claiming not be prophets, but shepherds, in a way (verse 5?). And maybe they are being persecuted/wounded in the same way/in the same fashion that Christ was? This would sort of line up with Acts, but I don’t know.

Not sure what to make of this passage. What do you think?

Re: How do you interpret Zechariah 13:1-6?

Postby jimwalton » Wed Feb 19, 2020 4:55 pm

The passage is a combination of Messianic and eschatological. Some of it applies to historic Israel being exiled and judged, yet a remnant would remain; some of it (v. 7 in particular) applies to Jesus, but most of it is eschatological, speaking of the renewal of the Jews in an ideal End Time.

I think the comments by your friend are incorrect, as you also were thinking. Let's roll through the text briefly.

The section (chapters 9-14) contains two prophetic oracles (9-11, 12-14); this one sits in the second. It's an oracle of judgment and the renewal that will follow. So this chapter is mainly about judgment.

v. 1: Messianic and eschatological. A fountain for cleansing from sin will be open to all people. Refers to Jesus and the end times.

v. 2-6. Not only is there spiritual cleansing for people, but the land will be purged from idols and false prophets. There is much prophetic and figurative language. The false prophets will try to cover their lies, but they will be found out and judged. (v. 6 has nothing to do with Jesus. It is like a parallel to v. 5 and how the false prophets will lie to try to cover their lying.)

v. 7. Historic and messianic. The people of Israel were scattered in 586 BC. Their leaders were killed and the people were dispersed. In addition, though, this verse is quoted by Jesus as applying to Himself (Mt. 26.56).

vv. 8-9: Historical and eschatological. The people were slaughtered, yet a remnant remained. This remnant is refined by the Lord and will one day be renewed (Rom. 9.25-26).

Feel free to discuss this more.
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Re: How do you interpret Zechariah 13:1-6?

Postby Fiddy » Thu Feb 20, 2020 1:25 pm

This was most helpful, I really appreciate it.

The Bible is just astonishing. It breaks my brain how awesome the prophets were, and how God has brought their words to fruition in more than many ways.

They sure make me feel dumb sometimes too though haha, guess that’s why we study prayerfully and humbly.

In verse 4, do you think the “robe of coarse hair to deceive” goes back to Jacob stealing Esau’s blessing in Genesis 27? I just noticed this right now

Re: How do you interpret Zechariah 13:1-6?

Postby jimwalton » Thu Feb 20, 2020 2:49 pm

I also find that the deeper I study the Bible, the more credible, amazing, and helpful it is. I'll never get tired of studying it and letting God speak to me through it.

>In verse 4, do you think the “robe of coarse hair to deceive” goes back to Jacob stealing Esau’s blessing in Genesis 27? I just noticed this right now

No. Since the subject of the set of verses is about prophets, it's more likely a reference to Elijah and Elisha. In 1 Ki. 18.46; 19.13 & 19; 2 Ki. 2.8, 13-14, we read about Elijah's cloak that was seemingly a distinctive garment that later became associated with being a prophet. The garment was a cloak of God's power for Elijah and Elisha. John the Baptist wears a similar kind of garment: Matthew 3.4, a cloak of camel’s hair.

What is going on here is that these false prophets, who were probably proud to strut about in prophetic garb so they would be respected as prophets, were now not wearing that cloak so as to trick people (Zech. 13.4: "deceive") into not recognizing them as prophets.
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Re: How do you interpret Zechariah 13:1-6?

Postby Fiddy » Sun Nov 06, 2022 11:17 pm

Gotcha, that makes a bit more sense. Thanks again, I appreciate the response.

Last bumped by Anonymous on Sun Nov 06, 2022 11:17 pm.

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