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Why did God create magic?

Postby Bigfoot » Sun Apr 19, 2020 11:10 am

Why did god create magic if we aren't supposed to use it?

Assuming spells and conjuring spirits are considered real for a moment...

Why would an all powerful god create a power outside of himself that he tells humans not to use. What purpose would creating magic serve?

Also, with angels and demons, what is the point?

If he is all knowing and all powerful, why does he need angels to do his bidding?

And if we take demons as fallen angels, or beings from hell, why wouldn't god just eliminate these things?

Hope this doesn't offend anyone,


Re: Why did God create magic?

Postby jimwalton » Sat Nov 19, 2022 2:01 pm

God didn't create magic. Assuming that spirit beings and spiritual forces are real, they are the creators of the occult powers: magic, sorcery, fortune-telling, etc.

> Why would an all powerful god create a power outside of himself that he tells humans not to use. What purpose would creating magic serve?

The alternative to God creating beings with power is that he created all beings who couldn't do a thing. There's no sense there or purpose to that. But God created those beings good. They chose to turn against Him and use their power for nefarious purposes, as some humans do. That's not God's choice or His doing.

You're wrong to think that God creates everything happens, and does everything that happens. God didn't create evil, He doesn't make people murder others, He doesn't create rapists, and a thousand other things. None of that is what omnipresent means.

> with angels and demons, what is the point? If he is all knowing and all powerful, why does he need angels to do his bidding?

There's nothing wrong with having emissaries and involving others. Even though there are things I can do myself, there is value in including others. Besides (a biggie), if people can't see God in all His glory because their physical beings can't endure that, then if God wants to show Himself to people, He has to use an intermediary.

> if we take demons as fallen angels, or beings from hell, why wouldn't god just eliminate these things?

They are fallen angels. Hell is their destination, not their point of origin. God doesn't eliminate them because they serve a purpose. As Frodo said to Sam about Gollum: he was evil, and trouble, but he had a part to play in their quest. We could debate for a while whether Gollum was necessary or not. it's very possible that Frodo and Sam could have found their way on their own. But he was certainly useful and helpful, despite his evil.

Last bumped by Anonymous on Sat Nov 19, 2022 2:01 pm.
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