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Did the Exodus ever happen, or is it all legend? What is the evidence for it, or is there evidence at all? Let's talk.

Evidence for the Exodus?

Postby Scape211 » Wed Jun 17, 2020 11:52 pm

I saw this documentary recently that explores into the possible reasoning we don't seem to have much evidence for the Exodus. Here is a trailer for it:

Its also completely free to watch on the streaming service Tubi if any are interested.

Jim, if you have seen this I am curious to hear your thoughts. It definitely made me curious about the archaeological process in the sense of how they determine when/where to dig. In this case, the timeline may have been off, but no one really knew given the data and since digs are expensive, they really didnt venture beyond that. But this shows Exodus may not have been during the time of Ramesses.
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Re: Evidence for the Exodus?

Postby jimwalton » Thu Jun 18, 2020 9:45 am

I don't think I've seen it. I think I tried a few years back, but couldn't find it on YouTube. If it's on tubi, I can watch it.

Just in general terms, though, I'm always suspicious of these things. Serious scholars have been working on the Exodus evidence for a century, and It's too easy to believe that a filmmaker has the answers that Egyptologists and archaeologists don't.

I have studied the Exodus material rather deeply, and have tried to assemble what is known and separate it from what is unknown. It's very complex because there are so many theories out there and so many pieces. We can talk about any of that as you wish, as part of this conversation or in a separate post.

I'll give it a watch and get back to you.
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Re: Evidence for the Exodus?

Postby Scape211 » Thu Jun 18, 2020 10:12 am

Oh I completely understand that. I am unsure of all the findings in the film and feel it should be taken with a grain of salt unless more comes to light on it. However, it was interesting and somewhat compelling. But like anything it should have sufficient review and corroboration.

It did make me curious about how archeological digs start. Specifically it appears that if someone wants to do a dig, they research to find the best places and time frames to dig. If they don't find it there, they don't usually dig other places unless their is good reason to because the process is expensive and time consuming. That being the case, it may make sense why we don't always find strong evidences for things; we do our best to find the best spots to dig, but if its off we just wont find it and waste time/money. So for Exodus, if Ramses was not the pharaoh in power as many seem to think, we wont find evidence for it if he wasn't. At least thats how I am understanding it.

Again none of that makes the claims in this documentary true, but its interesting to think about on those historical things we haven't found much archeological evidence for.
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Re: Evidence for the Exodus?

Postby jimwalton » Thu Jun 18, 2020 10:43 am

Digs start by an archaeologist drawing up a proposal to submit to a financier. He explains where he wants to dig, why, and what results he might sort of expect. One of his primary tasks at the beginning is to secure financing through one or several parties, usually a difficult matter. He has to sell them on the idea that their money won't be wasted, but will be used to further our knowledge. Once he gets financing, he secures permits for the site, assembles a team of experts, secures the necessary equipment, and recruits volunteers.

Nobody but nobody is just wandering around in the Sinai desert digging at random for evidence of the Exodus. They concentrate on areas where there is more likelihood of success, like Kadesh-Barnea. We don't even know where Mt. Sinai is. Some exodus sites are known, but the Israelites weren't there for long. What might someone expect to find? Close to nothing, even in the best of all possible worlds.
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