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Did the Exodus ever happen, or is it all legend? What is the evidence for it, or is there evidence at all? Let's talk.

Evidence for the Exodus

Postby Kylo Ren » Wed Sep 16, 2020 3:19 pm

I sent an email to my underwater archaeology professor asking him about the Exodus in the Bible. Here were my questions and I’d like to hear your all’s responses to them:

1. Do you know if there are any groups that have searched for chariots or weaponry belonging to the Egyptians in the Exodus?

2. I know the exact location of the Exodus crossing is up for debate on whether it’s the Sea of Reeds, The Red Sea or two gulfs that I don’t know off the top of my head. But has their ever been things found that hint at the Exodus potentially happening?

3. Is there anyway that the artifacts could be buried under sand or unseeable to the common diver? I’m not sure if artifacts ever get buried underneath layers or what not.

4. Is there a chance things could be unearthed?

5. Is there any certainty among archaeologists that the Exodus definitely didn’t happen?

His response was this:

“...However, after my first classes in college related to archaeological discoveries underwater, I realized why no one could ever have found any trace of the Pharaoh’s lost army. It’s because everything and everybody in that disaster would have floated to the surface after the tsunami-like event was over.

The corpses of the soldiers and horses, and also the wooden chariots, were all buoyant, and would have floated around on the surface for weeks after the destruction. Even the spears and arrows had wooden shafts, so they would have floated too.

Also, after the disaster was over, anything of value that HAD floated to the surface would have been salvaged — either by Egyptian officials, or by the local looters who always flock to any disaster site. So, even if it were possible to identify the exact location of the Pharaoh’s passage through the sea, one could not expect to find any remains of his army or its chariots or other equipment, still in that place.”

Is this a viable or correct conclusion? Wouldn’t the spears they used be made with metal edges and those would sink? Would a tsunami like event push these things to the edge of the Red Sea where people could take their belongings?

Thank you for reading this! I hope to hear back from some of you!
Kylo Ren

Re: Evidence for the Exodus

Postby jimwalton » Wed Sep 16, 2020 3:26 pm

> Do you know if there are any groups that have searched for chariots or weaponry belonging to the Egyptians in the Exodus?

Many have searched for ANY evidence of the Exodus. If you mean specifically in water, the answer is yes, people have looked.

> I know the exact location of the Exodus crossing is up for debate

True. No one knows where it was.

> But has their ever been things found that hint at the Exodus potentially happening?

No, there is no evidence for the Exodus, not even near some of the potential locations that are guessed at.

> Is there anyway that the artifacts could be buried under sand or unseeable to the common diver? I’m not sure if artifacts ever get buried underneath layers or what not.

Anything is possible. Artifacts do get buried. But we hardly know where to look.

> Is there a chance things could be unearthed?

Yes, anything is possible. The whole science of archaeology is based on the chance of artifacts getting unearthed.

> Is there any certainty among archaeologists that the Exodus definitely didn’t happen?

There is widespread opinion among secular archaeologists that the Exodus didn't happen. But absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. New things are discovered all the time.

> I realized why no one could ever have found any trace of the Pharaoh’s lost army.

It is correct that ancient Egyptian chariots were made of wood, as were the spear and arrow shafts. The spear heads and arrowheads would be made of metal, so they might possibly be found. Egyptian armor was probably mostly leather, but some metal may have been present. Finding evidence of the Exodus in these kinds of artifacts is close to impossible.

He's also correct that in an era where everything was made by hand, they would salvage whatever they could from previous manufacturing (like chariot parts, armor, weapons, etc.)

> Is this a viable or correct conclusion?

It is a very viable conclusion. Your professor is thinking straight.

> Wouldn’t the spears they used be made with metal edges and those would sink?

Not metal edges, but metal points. It might be possible to find those, but we don't even know where to look. And if we did find some, who would be able to say those were from the Egyptian army pursuing the Israelites? It's a virtually impossible situation to verify archaeologically.

> Would a tsunami like event push these things to the edge of the Red Sea where people could take their belongings?

It is not believed at this point that the crossing of the Reed Sea happened at a large body of water. The return of the water to its normal place would indubitably shove debris all over the place. Even if it didn't, people could swim and they had boats. If they came across salvageable material, they would no doubt salvage it.
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Re: Evidence for the Exodus

Postby Kylo Ren » Wed Sep 16, 2020 4:01 pm

What a great response. Thanks a ton my friend. I’m really thankful you went through and answered every point I laid out! I’m definitely more confident
Kylo Ren

Re: Evidence for the Exodus

Postby Scape211 » Thu Sep 17, 2020 12:19 pm

Jim - I know there have been various claims of people finding things related to the Exodus that appear to be inconclusive. Does any of it perk your interest at being probable or do you feel all of it is far too speculative to make any kind of conclusion? To be honest I am not sure myself. I certainly thought the findings of the chariot pieces underwater was too far fetched, but have seen others that made me think.
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Re: Evidence for the Exodus

Postby jimwalton » Thu Sep 17, 2020 3:35 pm

I've checked into the alleged chariots and weapons found underwater in these locations. First, the ones on youtube where it's so obvious are just a hoax. Second, the ones on youtube where they say "This coral looks like it could have been part of a chariot wheel" is intriguing but takes us nowhere. Unless it could be confirmed, it could just be weirdly-shaped coral. We can't draw conclusions from odd shapes. I think it's too speculative for something so important.
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Re: Evidence for the Exodus

Postby Scape211 » Tue Oct 27, 2020 6:08 pm

Oh I completely agree on the findings in the water that are supposed chariots. I don't think their is strong enough evidence to come upon that conclusion.

I was referring to other findings. Something like David Rohl's alternate chronology or others who believe the given timeline of the Exodus could have happened during the Middle Kingdom of Egypt instead of the New Kingdom. Some of these I find compelling, but not exactly conclusive either. It at least seems less speculative and more open for debate/further study than the claim with the chariots. That one seems entirely speculative and unfounded.

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