by jimwalton » Tue Sep 22, 2020 12:13 pm
Thanks for the discussion. I appreciate the dialogue.
> "Many feel" Many in the United States.
By "many feel," I mean biblical scholars.
> Many in the United States. But most of them only since the last 150 years when these teachings (dispensationalism) started to become established. Outside the US - not many. In the world of theology - mostly one seminary in Dallas TX.
In general, the main positions on who the "he" is who will confirm a covenant are:
1. Titus, the Roman emperor in AD 70. It is felt by some scholars that the prophecy found fulfillment in Titus, but there will also be a later fulfillment by an actual antichrist figure in the end times.
2. Whoever the "little horn" acting in vv. 24-25 is. The primary theories there are Antiochus Epiphanes, the persecuting Caesars of the Roman Empire, The Pope, or the antichrist.
3. Antiochus Epiphanes, and his alliance with the Hellenizing Jews.
I know dispensationalism and Darbyism brought a new interpretation to these texts. It's still on our shoulders to study, reason, consider what they've said, draw conclusions, and then discuss it with other interested people. That's hopefully what you and I are doing here.
> In all the above, it referred to the time of the first century AD between Jesus and the destruction of the Temple in 70AD.
This is one theory. The most predominant theory is that Dan 9.24-27 referred to Antiochus Epiphanes, but also in extension to the End Times—Antiochus was seen as a kind of prototype of one who was to come later who would be even worse.
In any case, with all of these theories, it doesn't seem that the UAE treaty with Israel is a candidate that anyone is seriously considering as a fulfillment of this prophecy, except the OP who thinks it's clear.
Let's talk about it some more if you want to.