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Re: Jesus' sacrifice

Postby Dude » Mon Nov 01, 2021 10:03 am

My point about being Jewish is that your description of these teachings isn't accurate from a Jewish perspective.

The entire codification of the Talmud was because rabbinic Judaism is so legalistic.

Re: Jesus' sacrifice

Postby jimwalton » Mon Nov 01, 2021 10:10 am

Thank you for the explanation. What I saying is that the whole meaning, worldview and cultural context of "law" was something different back then. And it would be my contention that it was not the Torah that was so legalistic, but all the of Talmudic, midrashim, and rabbinic additions and contortions that were added through the centuries that made it so. My point is that my description of the Torah (and what Torah even means) was accurate, even from a Jewish perspective. What has changed is how it was interpreted.

For instance, the Torah says, in general, that work should not be done on the Sabbath. By the time of Jesus, the rabbis had established 39 categories of activities that must not be performed on the Sabbath. In turn, these main 39 categories were subdivided into 39 classes, making a total of 1521 Sabbath rules. It wasn't the Torah that was legalistic, it was Judaism.
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Re: Jesus' sacrifice

Postby Pine Apples » Mon Nov 01, 2021 10:51 am

Also Jesus lost his life…
Pine Apples

Re: Jesus' sacrifice

Postby jimwalton » Mon Nov 01, 2021 10:52 am

The New Testament without fail describes Jesus's death as a "giving up" rather than a loss. "Giving up" implies willful action to be perceived as a gift; "loss" implies it be wrenched away from him without consent.

Texts that speak of Jesus's sacrifice as a giving up: Matt. 20.28; Mark 10.45; Luke 22,19; John 3.16; 6.51; 19.30; Romans 8.32; Gal. 1.4; 2.20; Eph. 5.2, 25; 1 Tim. 2.6; Titus 2.14

Texts that speak of Jesus's sacrifice as a loss: I couldn't find any.

The burden of proof is on you to show that Jesus lost His life.
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Re: Jesus' sacrifice

Postby Pine Apples » Mon Nov 07, 2022 12:33 am

I was using lost the same way the other commenter was when describing the lamb sacrifices. I’m agreeing with you.

Last bumped by Anonymous on Mon Nov 07, 2022 12:33 am.
Pine Apples


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