Board index The Holy Spirit

What is this, some kind of mystical presence? An "it" or a "He"? Let's talk.

Who is the holy spirit?

Postby Available » Wed Feb 23, 2022 9:54 am

Tell me who is the holy spirit

Re: Who is the holy spirit?

Postby jimwalton » Wed Sep 14, 2022 5:40 pm

The Holy Spirit is God, one of the Persons of the Trinity. Jesus states His oneness with the Spirit in John 14.16-18. He is put on an equal par with the Father and Son in Matthew 28.19; 2 Cor. 13.14 et al. Hopefully that helps.

In the NT His role is described as:

  • He lived in Jesus and empowered Him for ministry.
  • After the resurrection, the Spirit is freed to be the Spirit of Christianity as a permanent arrangement.
  • He is the functional equivalent of Jesus on Earth
  • He indwells believers
  • He is a Counselor and guide for Christians
  • He advocates our causes before the Father
  • He prosecutes the world, showing people their sin and convicting them of it.
  • He makes sure there is always a testimony about Jesus on Earth.
  • He guides people into truth about God and Jesus.
  • He inspired the writings of the NT.

We can talk about this more if you want.

Last bumped by Anonymous on Wed Sep 14, 2022 5:40 pm.
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