Board index Specific Bible verses, texts, and passages Philippians

Philippians 2:3 - Don't be selfish

Postby Gitagu » Mon Jan 16, 2023 4:23 pm

What does Philippians 2:3 mean when it says “Don't be selfish”?

What is the purpose of thinking of others as better than Me?

Re: Philippians 2:3 - Don't be selfish

Postby jimwalton » Sat Feb 11, 2023 4:32 pm

John White writes, "Implies the wish to insist on your way because you resent someone else."

The term ἐριθείαν (selfish ambition) is used of those who electioneer for office, courting popular applause by trickery and low arts. Hence, a desire to put one’s self forward, a partisan and factious spirit which does not disdain low arts; partisanship, factiousness.

What is a good thing (an ambition to improve) can also be a curse. It's a good thing to want to better yourself, yet at the same time this person isn't content; instead, they're envious and unhappy. In "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey," we learn that what was a great treasure (the Arkenstone) was at the same time a great curse. We get the same message from "Wolverine." He regarded his gift and strength as also a curse to be borne. So it is with ambition. It improves us, but it can also ruin us.

> What is the purpose of thinking of others as better than Me?

John White, again, writes,
"How is this possible while remaining intellectually honest? After all, we cannot all be the most inferior. That unhappy position truly belongs to only one of us. Would it not be more honest to assess yourself realistically in terms of your place in the scale of values?

"By all means be realistic, but what are you measuring when you assess your worth over against someone else’s? Your scholastic achievement? Your athletic ability? Your clothes? Your body’s appearance? Your personality? Your spiritual knowledge? Your enthusiasm about Christian things?

"And for which of these can you take personal credit? If they are God-given, they do not make you better, only more fortunate. They should be a cause for humble gratitude."

Last bumped by Anonymous on Sat Feb 11, 2023 4:32 pm.
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