John 20 — The Resurrection

All four gospel writers wrote about the resurrection. It is the turning point of history and the fulcrum of our faith. Yet each one wrote very differently about it. We have to focus in on what John’s point was in his version of it.

John’s approach through the entire book has been like that of a lawyer, bringing witness after witness to the stand, examining the evidence, and proving that to believe in Jesus as God is a rational, reasonable decision, and one that is supported by proofs, signs, and teachings. His point is that anyone is able to see this, no matter who you are, what your education level, your religious background, intellect, or economic station. If you have eyes, a brain, and a heart, it is within reach.

John’s account of the resurrection is no different. He wants you to know that it really happened, and that’s it’s believable on the basis of the evidence and the eyewitness testimony.

John saw the empty tomb and the graveclothes, and was convinced. Mary saw Jesus himself, and was convinced. The 11 disciples all saw Jesus with their eyes and were convinced. They saw the stone dislodged from its place, the graveclothes left behind, angels on the rock slab, Jesus walk through a closed and locked door. “Stop doubting and believe.”

“But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.” This is what John wants of us; it is why he is writing—that you may believe that Jesus is God and that you find Life there.