Colossians 3.15: Peace and Gratitude

Col. 3.15: “Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.” Paul, the author, is obviously stating that I have a choice as to what rules in my heart. I can choose peace; other options that immediately come to mind are anxiety and anger. Every day, any given day, I have plenty of opportunities to let anxiety and anger rule my day. I have to find the reasons to give peace the throne. It reminds me of Rev. 3.20, where Christ stands at the door and knocks, and I have to be the one to let him in. It’s my choice and my invitation that determines who or what sits on the throne of my heart.

“And be thankful.”  Thankfulness is the recognition that, at least in part, I am what I am or have what I have because of someone else. I am not alone, but have been enriched by another. That’s why Thanksgiving is a good reason for family to gather, because often the ones who have enriched each other the most are family. But it is also an acknowledgement and admission to the role God has played in our lives. When it comes right down to it, every good thing we have is ultimately from God. So thanksgiving, at core, is praise and worship.

2 thoughts on “Colossians 3.15: Peace and Gratitude”

  1. Good thoughts. Sometimes it’s really hard to be thankful, but it changes one’s perspective on everything.

    1. It does. We don’t realize how our thoughts and perspectives govern our lives more than our circumstances do. We think we are victims of our circumstances, but often it’s our mindset that either imprisons or set us free.

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