Proverbs 10.12 — Making Trouble for Others

“Hatred stirs up conflict, but love covers over all wrongs.” When you are troubled, you cause trouble. And when you’re in love, most of the time you don’t even SEE trouble. When people are hurt, they hurt others whether they deserve it or not. When people are angry at one person, they become angry at many people. When people are troubled, depressed, or frustrated, it bleeds all over the other parts of their lives, and they become troubled on every front. But when someone is in love, their love is thrown in every direction as they skip through the flowers of life.

What is the point here? “By their fruit you shall know them,” and it is not what goes into a person that defines him or her, but what comes out of him or her. We splatter our hearts all over our lives and the lives of those around us. We live out the tuning of our souls.

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