Proverbs 20.7 — Integrity

“The righteous lead blameless lives; blessed are their children after them.” Things will go right in human life and society only to the extent that a sufficient number of qualified people are adequately distributed and positioned to see to it that they go right. Justice cannot prevail until there are enough people properly equipped with Christ’s character and power. Only then will brotherhood, justice, well-being, and consequently, peace prevail upon the earth. We see this in Gen. 19 and the story of Sodom. In Gen. 18.25-32 we see that even 10 righteous people can influence an entire city to godliness. The guilty of the community will find mercy in the lives of their fellow citizens who are righteous.

The person of integrity makes three deliberate choices:
1. The choice to have a moral center
2. The choice to live by moral commands
3. The choice to have a moral consistency

Your life shows what’s in your heart, and it has ramifications for those around you, but especially your family and children. There is great power in a positive example. Just as in Gn. 18.16-33, good people can make an impact.

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